

NEW submission deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2024 by 23:59 hrs EAT/20:59 hrs UTC.

Notification date: Stay tuned for more information on an updated notification timeline.

Requirements: Applications to host a side event must include the following:

  • Proposed side event title
  • Description of the proposed event and how it complements Africa CDC’s vision of a safer, healthier and prosperous Africa (250 words or less)
  • Desired outcomes from the session (100 words or less


Applications should align with Africa CDC’s vision of a safer, healthier and more prosperous Africa. Events should focus on topics relevant to CPHIA 2024, such as: universal health coverage, health security, innovative and sustainable financing, climate change and one health, women, youth and civil society engagement, pandemic resilience and health systems preparedness, digital innovation and artificial intelligence. 

Please note  there is limited capacity for side events, which will be held in the mornings and evenings during the week of the conference.


Please see below for details on the two side event packages.

  • Room with capacity and seating to accommodate anticipated audience size
  • Pens and notepads for anticipated audience size
  • Audio and visual system, including five microphones and access to WI-FI
  • Technical and room support, as needed
  • Registration waiver for two people
  • Virtual participation for guest speakers
  • Access to the onsite media centre (main focal person of the side event) 
  • Inclusion of a flyer in the conference attendee welcome bag (host to provide)
  • Listing of the side event on the CPHIA 2024 website and app under the official side events program
  • Advance promotion of the side event on Africa CDC social media channels, (timeline and content to be arranged in collaboration with conference planning team)
  • Water, tea and coffee 
  • Translation services in two languages

Includes all items in package 1 with two amendments:

  • VIP coffee break with water, coffee, tea, juice, croissants and savoury appetisers
  • Translation services in all six AU languages

Download the side event application guidelines in:



Asked Questions

Application & Timeline

When will I hear if my proposal has been accepted and when must I confirm participation?

An updated timeline for notifications will be available soon.

How soon can side event organisers expect to receive confirmation of the venue and time of their session?

Selected event organisers will receive information about the venue and time allocation ahead of the conference. A new date has not yet been determined.

What is the deadline for side event payments?

Updated information on payment deadlines will be available soon.

Will unsuccessful side event applicants be given feedback on their proposals?

Unfortunately, no. While the CPHIA 2024 side events team would like to provide one-to-one feedback on unsuccessful proposals, we do not have the capacity.

Are side event speakers exempt from paying the conference registration fee?

Side event speakers are not exempt from paying the conference registration fee. However, side event organisers will be granted a registration fee waiver for two people.

Is there a cancellation policy for side events?

Yes. Side event organisers must notify the CPHIA 2024 side events team of their intention to cancel the side event in writing no later than 14 days before the scheduled event date.

Once payment has been made, there will be no refunds.

Event Promotion

How will side events be promoted to conference participants?

Side event organisers are responsible for promoting their own events. All accepted side events will be included in an official list and published on CPHIA platforms, including the conference website and app.

Will side event organisers have access to the conference participant registration list to promote their event?

Due to privacy and data protection laws, CPHIA 2024 cannot share conference participant contact information. Sharing personal contact information without explicit consent from individuals would violate privacy regulations and could lead to potential misuse or unauthorised access to personal data.

How should my side event be branded?

Please ensure all communication regarding your event is branded as an ‘Official Side Event of CPHIA 2024.’ Should your application get accepted, the CPHIA team will follow up with access to conference branding.


Who can I contact for questions and/or support regarding my side event?

Please contact the CPHIA 2024 side events team for any questions regarding your event at



Know organisations that are catalysing innovation and scientific research or generating new knowledge and groundbreaking health products? Encourage them to apply by sharing the open call on your social media!

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