

NEW submission deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2024 by 23:59 hrs EAT/20:59 hrs UTC. 

Notification date: Stay tuned for more information on an updated notification timeline.

Requirements: Your application to host an exhibition must include the following:

  • Proposed exhibition title.
  • Description of the proposed exhibition  and how it compliments Africa CDC’s vision of a safer, healthier and prosperous Africa (250 words or less).
  • Main goal of exhibition, such as visibility/brand building, product presentation, advocacy or fundraising, etc. (100 words or less).

 (For non-profit African organisations)

  • Logo on the CPHIA 2024 exhibition wall
  • Two complimentary conference registrations

(For international non-profit organisations)

  • Logo on the CPHIA 2024 exhibition wall
  • Two complimentary conference registrations
  • Inclusion of a flyer in the conference attendee welcome bag

 (For government institutions, African academic and research institutions only)

  • Logo on the CPHIA 2024 exhibition wall
  • Two complimentary conference registrations
  • Inclusion of a flyer in the conference attendee welcome bag

(Open to all African and international non-profit organisations, academic and research institutions and cooperatives)

  • Standard stand (2.5 meters by 3 meters)
  • Logo on the CPHIA 2024 exhibition wall
  • Two complimentary conference registrations
  • Two exhibitor badges for visitors
  • Two tickets to the evening gala
  • 50% discount for hosting a side/satellite event
  • Inclusion of company brochure (2 pages) in the delegates’ and exhibitors’ bag
  • Inclusion of a promotional item in the delegates’ bag

 (Open to all African and international non-profit organisations, academic and research institutions, businesses and cooperatives)

  • Medium-sized stand (3.5 meters by 4 meters):
  • Priority logo placement
  • Three complimentary conference registration
  • A VIP pass (allows VIP seating at the opening, plenary and closing sessions)
  • Three exhibitor badges for visitors
  • Three tickets to the evening gala 
  • One complimentary side event
  • Sponsorship of young researchers
  • Inclusion of a promotional item in the delegates’ bag 
  • Company promotional video in the conference spaces
  • Inclusion of company brochure (maximum 4 pages) in delegates’ and exhibitors’ bag

(Open to all African and international non-profit organisations, academic and research institutions, businesses and cooperatives).

  • Large stand (4.5 meters by 5 meters)
  • Priority logo placement
  • Five complimentary conference registrations
  • Two VIP passes (Allows VIP seating at opening, plenary and closing session)
  • Four exhibitor badges for visitors
  • Four tickets to the evening gala
  • One complimentary side event
  • Dedicated meeting room
  • Sponsorship of young researchers
  • Inclusion of company brochure (maximum 4 pages) in delegates’ bags
  • Insertion of company promotional item in the delegates’ bag
  • Inclusion of company logo on the conference website, final programme and the conference guide

Download the application guidelines in:



Asked Questions

How do I reserve an exhibition booth for the conference?

Interested exhibitors must submit an application by 23 September. Please contact our exhibition team via email CPHIAexhibitions@africacdc.org to inquire about booth availability and the registration process.

What is included in the exhibition package?

There are a range of exhibition packages. See the guidelines for more information. The base level package includes a booth space, basic furnishings (e.g., table, chairs), exhibitor badges, your logo included in the Exhibition display wall, and access to the conference sessions.

Are there any restrictions on the materials or products I can display?

While we welcome a diverse range of exhibits, materials or products that are offensive, dangerous, or violate any laws are not allowed. Please review the event’s guidelines for more information. 


Is Wi-Fi available in the exhibition hall?

Yes, complimentary Wi-Fi will be provided in the exhibition hall.

Can I conduct live demonstrations at my booth?

Absolutely! Live demonstrations are a great way to engage visitors and show off your products or services. Just be sure to conduct them safely within your designated booth space.

Can I offer giveaways or conduct prize drawings at my booth?

Giveaways and prize drawings are a great way to attract visitors and generate excitement at your booth. However, it is important to coordinate with the organisers to avoid conflicts with other scheduled activities.

What are the setup and dismantling timings for the exhibition?

Setup and dismantling timings will be provided in the exhibitor’s manual, which will be shared with exhibitors closer to the event dates.



Know organisations that are catalysing innovation and scientific research or generating new knowledge and groundbreaking health products? Encourage them to apply by sharing the open call on your social media!

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