IFPMA and H3D Foundation: Powerful, locally driven partnerships for health innovation in Africa: How H3D and its Foundation are breaking barriers in innovation
H3D Foundation and IFPMA will co-organize a session focused on how the Holistic Drug Discovery and Development Centre (H3D), based at the University of Cape Town, and its Foundation are breaking barriers in health innovation through powerful, locally driven partnerships.
From collaborations to accelerate African drug discovery and API manufacturing to those that build young African scientists’ skills and communities of practice, H3D and its Foundation are driving discourse and action to strengthen the capacity of Africa’s scientists and experts, while profoundly shaping health outcomes through targeted approaches that serve African populations.
This H3D showcase and panel discussion will present key lessons learned from H3D’s project-based approach to research and development and inform how African institutions are moulding Africa’s health systems and future health security.
Participation at this CPHIA side event will be on a first-come, first-served basis for in-person participation. Please register to participate online here.
Hosted by IFPMA and H3D Foundation
Please click this URL to join. https://us06web.zoom.us/w/81615120264?tk=A7oDbgfEHunFjEeKu0AtSD5AmZATuJwhMwmdyxv7cW4.DQYAAAATAKPniBZqenIyN2xHZVJaLVZ2YlNmaHUtTmhRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=R698J55lMBlbMRPEdUcfLZiy3wXTRc.1&uuid=WN_vcmHx1TOTcGYkpSVSmqeYw
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