Gavi CSO Constituency: Civil Society Dialogue Series: The Power and Potential of Civil Society in Building Resilient Health Systems
The Civil Society Dialogue Series, part of CPHIA 2023, spotlights civil society’s vital role in advancing immunisation initiatives, shaping policies, and securing a fully immunised future for Africa. The event aims to highlight CSOs’ achievements, address challenges, and forge a collaborative roadmap for future immunisation efforts. Key segments include a keynote address, panel discussions, interactive dialogues, and networking. Attendees include CSO leaders, immunisation experts, policymakers, government health officials, donors, and health media. Expected outcomes encompass recognizing CSOs’ impact, sharing actionable insights, strengthening CSO collaboration, and promoting their active role in immunisation for Universal Health Coverage.
Organized by Gavi CSO Constituency
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Passcode: CPHIA@2023