Africa CDC: Mobilizing Innovation for Health Systems Resilience in Africa: Championing Sustainable Financing for Enhanced Health Security
On November 29, 2023, the Africa CDC’s Health Economics and Financing Programme (HEP) will host an Official Side Event on the theme Mobilizing Innovation for Health Systems Resilience in Africa: Championing Sustainable Financing for Enhanced Health Security, on the margins of the CPHIA 2023 (27-30 November), in Lusaka, Zambia. The event stands at the confluence of increased domestic health investment, respectful partnerships that prioritize Africa’s needs, and strengthened technical cooperation with relevant African institutions, thereby aligning with Africa CDC’s vision for a New Public Health Order.
The focus of the programme will be to mobilize commitment across constituencies to amplify the New Public Health Order’s call for increased domestic health investment, and establish a common understanding of the potential and pathways to accelerate the transformative power of innovative financing for enabling and expediting the journey towards an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa.
As Africa asserts itself as a credible geopolitical force, this event offers a unique and pivotal platform to showcase the immense potential of innovative financing solutions for Africa’s health security, and to catalyze the imperative for a paradigm shift to accord investments in health a greater significance in economic and development priorities.
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Passcode: CPHIA@2023
Organized by Africa CDC