Francine Ntoumi serves as the President and co-founder of the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research and leads its Research Center for infectious diseases in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. She is Professor of molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases at the Institute of Tropical medicine, University of Tübingen. She has a long-standing record of research investigations on malaria. Since 2009, Ntoumi has been highly involved in developing health research capacities in Central Africa through the coordination of the Central Africa clinical research network (CANTAM) and since 2018 leading the Pan-African Network for Rapid Research, Response, Relief and Preparedness for Infectious Diseases Epidemics consortium (PANDORA-Id-Net). She is also highly engaged in promoting gender balance in science in the African region through an important program, “To make Science, a female ambition.” Ntoumi is member of several scientific and advisory committees and is involved in many international scientific networks in Africa, Europe, and the United States. She is a fellow of the African Academy of Science. In recognition of her efforts in developing research capacities in Africa, Prof. NTOUMI received many awards including the prestigious African Union Kwame Nkrumah Regional Scientific Award for women (2012), The Georg Forster Prize (Germany, 2015), the Christophe Merieux Prize (France), the Congolese Gold Medal in Science (2016) and the German federal Cross of Merit (2022).she has been acknowledged as Officer of Congolese Merit (2022) and in August 2023, she has been recognized as the Public health Champion by the World Health Organization