

  • NEW submission deadline: Thursday, 31 October 2024 by 23:59hrs EAT/20:59hrs UTC. *No abstracts will be accepted past the official deadline.*
  • Notification date & presentation: Stay tuned for more information on an updated notification timeline and date for CPHIA 2024.
Authors should upload their abstracts via the web-based Oxford Abstracts submission platform. Research should have been conducted within the 2021-2024 period to ensure relevance. Abstracts must not exceed 300 words. 

Only abstracts with original work tied to the eight conference tracks will be accepted (subthemes can be found here): 

  • Track 1: The journey to building health security in Africa through the continent’s ability to manufacture all health products
  • Track 2: Advancing self-reliance and health security through innovative and sustainable health financing for universal health coverage in Africa
  • Track 3: Revisiting primary health care to advance universal health coverage in Africa
  • Track 4: Empowering a healthier Africa through digital innovation and artificial intelligence
  • Track 5: Climate change and One Health: Strengthening African health security
  • Track 6: Women and youth in Africa: Driving health and innovation
  • Track 7: New horizons in disease responses
  • Track 8: Pandemic resilience and health systems preparedness for optimal prevention, surveillance and response in Africa

All accepted abstracts will be included in the poster hall at the conference center in Rabat for the duration of the conference. In addition, some selected abstracts will be invited to give an oral presentation during designated abstract sessions (schedule to be determined).

Please note that while you may submit more than one abstract, only one abstract per person (primary author) will be accepted.
Please read the full abstract submission guidelines before submitting your abstract.
Download the abstracts guidelines in: English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili.


Asked Questions

When will I hear if my abstract has been accepted?

An updated timeline for notifications will be available soon.

My abstract has previously been presented or published elsewhere, can I still submit it for consideration?

Abstracts that have previously been presented elsewhere will be considered at the jury’s discretion, but priority will be given to abstracts that have not yet been presented at any other scientific conference.

Can I make edits to my submission?

Edits cannot be made to an abstract once it has been submitted. However, in the event that your abstract is selected for an oral or poster presentation and has undergone significant changes after acceptance, those changes should be highlighted in the abstract presentation.

Do abstract presenters need to attend the conference in person?

CPHIA 2024 is an in-person conference. Selected abstract presenters are expected to attend the conference in Rabat, Morocco to give an oral or poster presentation. 

Are abstract presenters exempt from paying the conference registration fee?

If your abstract is accepted for an oral or poster presentation, your conference registration fee will be waived.

Only one person per abstract will receive a fee wavier. Co-authors and collaborators will not have their registration fee waived.

Are scholarships available for abstract presenters?

There may be a limited number of scholarships available to cover travel and accommodation expenses for early career abstract presenters. You will be prompted during the submission process to check a box if you would like to be considered for this support. To request this support, you are required to submit a statement of need along with your abstract.  

Please note that  a request for support does not mean automatic selection for a scholarship. Only presenters of accepted abstracts will be eligible for scholarships. Only one scholarship per abstract will be granted. Co-authors and collaborators are not eligible for scholarship. Authors of rejected abstracts are not eligible for scholarship. Scholarships are non-transferrable. 

Applicants will be notified if a scholarship will be awarded along with the notification of the acceptance or rejection of their abstracts.

Who can I contact for questions and/or support regarding my abstract submission?

For other inquiries or questions about your specific submission, please reach out to CPHIAabstracts@africacdc.org and include your submission ID, and the name and email of the submitter.



Do you know someone who is working on breakthrough public health research in Africa? Encourage them to submit an abstract by sharing the open call to your social media!

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